30 years since the Olympic Games ’80 in Moscow
Time flies with the speed a sprinter, and it’s hard to believe that 30 years has already passed since the historic event of the Moscow Olympics. Despite the fact that I was just a child then, I still remember the legendary bear flying into the sky, and the overwhelming feeling of pride for our, then Soviet, Olympic team.
In those childhood memories, Moscow seemed to be the happiest place on Earth: bright flags, colorful balloons, excited crowd and a sea of flowers … At that time, my grandmother worked as a sport physician at Luzhniki stadium, and I was one of those lucky ones who could watch the games from the bleachers for free, while enjoying my favorite chocolate-covered ice-cream on a stick. Our sports team beat all records! Soviet Sport at that time was at its peak, and I wouldn’t even think that someone could be better, faster, higher, or stronger than us! The Moscow Olympics has brought our country 195 Medals! 80 – Gold, 69 – Silver and 46 – Bronze!
Who would have thought that many years later, I would have a unique opportunity to meet the people who have become the pride of our nation. And also, that one day I would be holding in my hands the priceless medals of the Olympic Champions! Yes, I was lucky to be invited to the event dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Moscow Olympic Games. Among the special guests there were our famous athletes and the Olympic medalists.
Serik Kerimbekovich Konakbaev – Silver medalist of the XXII Olympic Games in Moscow. Born on October 25, 1959 in Pavlodar. He is the multi-champion of the USSR, the European Championship, the World Cup championship; and now, the Vice President of the Boxing Federation. During his exciting career, he also played a part in one of the first Soviet action movies “Secrets of Madam Wong”. Now, Serik Kerimbekovich is actively involved in politics – he is a deputy of the Mazhilis Parliament and the President of the Professional Boxing Federation of Kazakhstan.
Natalia Strunnikova – the Bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in Moscow in swimming 4 x 100m (combined relay). Natalia was born on March 14, 1964, in Sverdlovsk. During her accomplished career, she became 8 times the USSR champion in swimming, won a silver medal at the European Championship in 1982 in Germany, and became a champion in the USA-USSR swimming competition the same year. Currently Natalia resides in Los Angeles. It would be a pleasure to have her as a guest of honor in our Tea Room in the nearest future!